by xXx_Bobby Cage_xXx


Used palette:

Used engine:


Again I did very small game in very first days of new year.

It's minesweeper clone with very few additions

- You need to flag mines from whole multi-screen level

- You can hit mines 2 times without loosing round

- You can use global map to see your progress better

Controls and rules

- Use arrows to move around

- Use mouse to point at cells

- Press left button to reveal cell. Revealing mine hurts you,

revealing empty cell is helpful

- Press right button to flag cell. You need to flag all cells

with mines AND not have any mistakenly flagged cells to win.

If game doesn't end - it means that you either have to find missed

mines or you flagged empty cell by mistake. Revealed mines doesn't

need to be flagged.

- Empty cells can have numbers. Numbers tell amount of mines in all 8

adjacent cells; be it hidden, flagged or revealed.

- You have 3 lifes. Lifes can't be recharged and you lose 1 life when

you reveal a mine. When you loose all 3 lifes - game is lost. Board

will show mines you didn't flagged, successfully flagged mines (such

flags will turn green) and mistakenly flagged cells (such flags will

remain red)

- HOLD middle button (usually the wheel) to open map, release button

to close it. It will show entire level in process, using different

colors for different spots:

 1. Non touched cells are shown as light cyan

 2. Empty cells with no numbers (no mines around) are shown as black

 3. Empty cells with numbers (mines around) are shown as white

 4. Flagged cells are shown as red

 5. Revealed mines are shown as purple

 6. During game over correctly flagged mines are shown as green

Known issues

- Amount of mines and lifes, size of map aren't adjustable

- Probably should add more sounds

Fixed issues

- First click is now can't be lethal, and fixed bug regarding empty cells erasing exposed mines


megaminefield.tic 29 kB

Install instructions

For Windows: download MEGA MINE FIELD, extract it and launch exe file

For other systems you will need Wine or other emulators. If they don't work just like browser version - let me know!


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Found a bug, when you blow up a mine it changes the number of the non mine spaces you click on. So I clicked a space next to a used mine and it showed a 2, despite there needing to be 3 mines around it.

Missing QOL features